A Descriptive Analysis of English - Indonesian Code Switching by Teachers of Paud Cipta Kreatif Bangsa Palembang

Gaya Tridinanti


ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to find out the reason of
English teachers switch their language during teaching process and the
types of code switching were used by them in teaching learning process
in PAUD Cipta Kreatif Bangsa Palembang. The population of this study
was English teacher at PAUD Cipta Kreatif Bangsa 2015, the number of
teacher are eight. The Sample was used in this study just one teacher.
The Method of this study is descriptive qualitative method. Technique for
collecting the data by observation and interview. Based on this study, the
writer found that there are three types of code switching that is used by
teacher in the classroom, they are : 1) extra – sentential code switching,
2) inter – sentential code switching, and 3) intra – sentential code
switching. The writer also found some reasons why teacher switch their
language, they are : (1) To clarify expalanation, (2) To show their
formality to the students when they speak in the, (3) To talk about a
particular topic a teacher feels free and more comfortable to express their
emotions, excitements in the classroom, and (4) For affective functions,
teacher switches code to express his/her emotional feeling, and the
students do not have to understand the meaning but can receive the
affective meaning of the speaker whether he/she is happy, excited, sad,
angry, mocking the hearer, and so on.
Key words: code switching, descriptive qualitative.

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