Analisis Kebutuhan Ruang Parkir di Kawasan Palembang Square Mall

Yules Pramona Zulkarnain


Palembang Square Mall is located in Angkatan 45 Palembang. It is one of the
biggest Mall in Palembang. Angkatan 45 street is an primary way in Palembang. Strategic
location makes Palembang Square Mall has a lot of customers from the origin people or
the people from out of town. Palembang Square Mall which is located in the centre of
business area in Palembang has 5,4ha it is devided into 50.000m2 as a building.The parking
lot is located around the both building that. The land road which is used as the parking lot
involves : Kampus POM IX street, Sumpah Pemuda street and Kapten A. Rivai street. That
phenomena is caused by enough parking facility for vehicles that visit Palembang Square
Mall and the lowly realization of the Mall visitors or the users. So it causes traffic disturbence
in Angkatan 45 street and the street around the Mall. This matter can be seen from
disorganized traffic in Palembang Square Mall either for those who are going to enter, look
for the parking lot or for those who are going to leave from that area so, one of the
problems caused is the traffic jam and uncomfortable feeling. From that analysis, it can
make a hypotesis as follow : 1. The vehicle owners who visit there tend to choose the easy
and the fast parking lot as on follow street. 2. The undiciplined road users and the mixed
of public transportations which are entered in the system (in the lane around the Mall),
and the limited of parking lot comparing with the height of parking volume, and a bad
parking management become the caused of disorganization and the traffic jam around the
The survey method in this research is using a primary data collection toward the parking
demand ( come, wait and leave from the system ) by Mall visitors to analyse the arrival rate
( ë ) and parking rate ( μ ). A secondary data is used to predict the demand of parking
involves : the population, PDRB, vehicle ownership and the amount of parking it self .
In 2013, the amount of car peraday where parked in Palembang Square Mall is 3600 for
car and 2550 for motorcycle. From this analysis, it can be concluded that the optimal
parking capacity is 750 for cars and 890 for motorcycles. While the parking lot that is
provided is only 645 for cars and 786 for motorcycles, so existing parking lot is not enough.
From the prediction, the amount of vehicles that sure parked in Palembang Square Mall
per day in 2020 is 7.270 for cars and 4.750 for motorcycles, with the necessity of parking
lot as 1.520 for cars and 1.660 for motorcycles. From the calculation of Total Cost Programs
it can get that the optimal parking rate is Rp. 5000,00 for car and Rp. 2.000,00 for
Keyword : Parking demand, Arrival Rate ( ë ) and Parking Rate (μ ), Total Cost ( C ) and
the Optimal Parking Rate.

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